“Once a Warrior…Always a Warrior”

FCCA’s theme is “Preparing Warriors for the Living God”.  Our graduates are fulfilling the plan and purpose for their life.  Fairton Academy graduates have went into full time ministry, earned Ph.D’s, M.D, Masters degrees, started their own businesses, entered the military and much more!    


“I gained a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, which helped me through the hardest time of my life. The staff truly cared about me and still do, I believe.”

“I feel lucky to have been able to learn in loving, safe environment. Growing up knowing that ALL the staff wanted what was best for me. It was amazing to know that I could go to them at any time, and they would help me in any way they could, academically or spiritually. It was a privilege to go to this school and learn under such amazing examples.”

“Values, morals and the Christian curriculum. It could not have been any better. I have fond memories and my senior year was the best learning experience of my life!”

“Scripture Memorization…the PACES are great, but it’s the verses that “pop” in your head just when you need them that means the most to me.”

“I loved my teachers. I love Pastor Moore. I appreciated that God’s Word was involved in every aspect of our learning. As an adult, I still carry everything I learned deep down in my heart and am grateful for it.”

“Never wavering on “no compromise” in the teaching. That should never, and will never change.”

“Their stand on God’s truth and training us in it was the thing I remember the most.”